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α1 Antitrypsin

α1 Antitrypsin is a serine protease inhibitor produced mainly in the liver and secreted into the bloodstream. It functions to protect lung tissue by inhibiting the activity of neutrophil elastase, which would otherwise proteolytically damage the lung. Low levels of α1 antitrypsin can lead to a number of conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cirrhosis or other liver disease, liver tumors, and jaundice. During inflammatory responses, serum levels rise, as its role as an acute phase protein is to balance the pro-inflammatory response, preventing the immune system from damaging the body. Low levels of α1 antitrypsin can lead to a number of conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cirrhosis or other liver disease, liver tumors, and jaundice.

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  • α1 Antitrypsin

    α1 Antitrypsin

    This preparation of α1 Antitrypsin is purified from human plasma and is supplied in a lyo ...

    $55.00 - $500.00