Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Monoclonal Antibody
- SKU:
- 90493-0001
- Catalog Number:
- MC075
- Part Number:
- 90493
- Physical Form:
- Clear liquid
- Purification Method:
- DEAE chromatography
- Affinity Constant:
- Ka = 1 x 10(10)
- Reactivity:
- Specific for intact hCG & free ß-hCG
This hCG Monoclonal was made by immunizing mice with purified hCG from human pregnancy urine. The antibody is purified by ion-exchange (DEAE) chromatography and is supplied as a liquid in 50 mM Phosphate Buffered Saline, 0.1% Sodium Azide, pH 7.4. Protein content is determined by A280 and reported upon assay.
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